Find Asset Administration Shells
You can search and retrieve lists of Asset Administration Shells via the Asset Administration Shell Discovery API and then specific Shells via the Asset Administration Shell Registry API.
Note that some of the parameters for these operations need to be Base64URL-encoded.
Read more detailed information about the structure and requirements for the requests in the Asset Administration Shell Discovery and
Asset Administration Shell Registry
API documentation.
Retrieve Shell lists via the Asset Administration Shell Discovery API
The example below demonstrates how you can search for a list of Shells, using their specificAssetId
, and get their id
as a response. This way, you can then search for a specific Asset Administration Shell by its id
in the Asset Administration Shell Registry API.
Following the previous example, you now can look up the Shells with the following specificAssetId:
{"name": "manufacturerId", "value": "1111-manu"}
The query-parameter for the specificAssetId needs to be base64urlencoded (in this example it is "eyJuYW1lIjogIm1hbnVmYWN0dXJlcklkIiwgInZhbHVlIjogIjExMTEtbWFudSJ9") and added as query parameter to the request: