Semantic Aspect Meta Model (SAMM)

In a nutshell

The Semantic Aspect Meta Model (SAMM) is the open and standardized specification for Aspect Models that is as small and easy as possible while offering the expressiveness required to model any kind of real-life information in an Aspect Model.

More details

The open source tools and specifications developed in numerous initiatives to promote open industry standards are part of Bosch Semantic Stack. At the same time, they are freely usable by all companies that want to drive data homogenization further. Learn more about our open source ecosystemexternallink 20 on our website.

Aspect Models and their implementation as data sources are at the heart of Bosch Semantic Stack and the starting point of implementing the software stack.
They turn raw data into valuable information that is readable and usable regardless of its source thanks to the semantic description.
To ensure that the Aspect Models themselves can be understood and reused across organizations and domains, they all follow the same specification — the Semantic Aspect Meta Model (SAMM).

Meta Model Elements


The Semantic Aspect Meta Model (SAMM) assists to:

  • Structure data within an aspect of an asset into data properties
    (bundle properties in entities for structuring)

  • Explain the semantics of data via the characteristic of a property

  • Provide intention revealing names and flexible references (URN support) for data properties

  • Define all sorts of constraints on values to give more information about the scope of the data

SAMM is based on open standards as much as possible:

  • uses the Resource Description Format (RDF) and the Terse RDF Triple Language syntax (TTL)

  • XSD types

  • defines Aspect Models in RDF/Turtle following the specific SAMM semantics

  • uses Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) for rules that comprise the SAMM semantics

SAMM is both a human-understandable standard definition and a formally defined rule set (definitions, restrictions) that allows automatic validation and artifact generation. See SAMM CLI and SDKs.

The Aspect Model Editor already implements the SAMM specification. You can create, view and edit Aspect Models with the Aspect Model Editor or your text editor / IDE of choice, and also change tools back and forth – with your Aspect Models as ttl files on your machine.

Further resources