Publish your Aspect Model to the Aspect Model Catalog

After creating the Vibration Aspect Model you want to publish the namespace-ZIP in the Aspect Model Catalog to make it available and consumable for others.


You have received the task to publish an Aspect Model.


Upload Aspect Model into the Aspect Model Catalog

Open the Aspect Model Catalog via<your-tenant-id>

  1. Upload the Aspect Model by clicking the + icon.
    catalog modeler

  2. In the Upload new Package dialog drag-and-drop your ZIP file or use Upload file.

  3. Check the upload overview.
    AMC upload new package

  4. Confirm with Upload.
    → Summary with success information will be displayed. AMC upload summary upload succeeded

→ Your Aspect Model is uploaded and displayed in the Aspect Model Catalog. By default the Aspect Model is labeled as DRAFT.

For more information and details, refer to the Aspect Model Catalog chapter and the Aspect Model Editor documentationexternallink 20.

Download JSON Schema (downstream artifact)

In the Aspect Model Catalog you can download downstream artifacts which can be generated from an Aspect Model. To implement the created Aspect Model and build an API, you can download a JSON Schema file. The JSON Schema describes the corresponding schema of an implementing API.

  1. Open the Aspect Model in the Aspect Model Catalog by clicking on it or using the options menu …​ > Open Details.
    AMC options open details

  2. In the Overview tab select Json Schema(.json) in the Downloads section on the right. export json file

    → A new tab with the JSON Schema content is opened.