As an owner of a Bosch Semantic Stack tenant you can enable users and technical clients with read and write permission on service level.
Access is granted via various roles which allow them to manage the entities of the services respectively.
The assignment of roles to the users and technical clients happens in the Access Management UI.
This is a separate user interface, which you can access for your tenant at:<your-tenant-id>
The different roles are described in detail in following sections per service.
Digital Twin Registry roles
Roles needed for the Digital Twin Registry:
Twin Viewer: Read permission for aspects & twins
Twin Manager: Write permission for twins
Aspect Operator: Write permission for aspects, read & write permission for templates
AAS Viewer: Read permission for AAS resources, see Standardization and interoperability with Asset Administration Shell and Catena-X
AAS Manager: Write permission for AAS resources, see Standardization and interoperability with Asset Administration Shell and Catena-X
AAS EDC BPN Viewer: Access-controlled read permissions for AAS resources, to be used in combination with the Eclipse Dataspace Connector (EDC). See EDC Authentication & Authorization
Submodel Access Reader: Read permission for Submodel Access endpoint. Intended for usage with an EDC for verifying if external users have access to a given Submodel Endpoint. See EDC Authentication & Authorization
Message Operator: Reading of message client credentials. Reserved for future usage
The module name displayed in the Access Management UI is Digital Twin System.
Aspect Model Catalog roles
Roles needed for the Aspect Model Catalog:
Model Viewer: Read permission for models
Model Editor: Write permission for models
Model Manager: Release permission for namespaces
The module name displayed in the Access Management UI is Digital Twin System Catalog.
Shared Settings roles
Role needed for adjusting the footer:
Shared Settings Manager: Read and write permission for shared settings (e.g. footers)
The module name displayed in the 'Access Management' UI is Digital Twin System Shared Settings.
Access Management roles
Roles needed for the Access Management:
Web Portal User: Access to Nexeed Web Portal
Web Portal Admin: Configure Nexeed Web Portal for the own tenant, e.g. footer or privacy configuration
User Reader: Read users, groups, and modules.
Module Manager: Manage modules including registration and removal.
Access Manager: Manage users, roles and groups as well as their respective privileges and relations.