Legal notice

For users of this website, the following legal notice applies: 20

Terms and conditions for free access

Your order to Request free access to an environment is an explicit consent to the terms linked below:

This offer is targeted to companies in Germany only and is therefore only valid for B2B customers situated in Germany. The right to use the service is limited to the territory of Germany.

Free access is limited to a trial period of three months (starting with provisioning of access to the software) and a maximum of 100 Digital Twins with a maximum of 1000 requests per day. The access is limited to you as an employee or representative of the company as an individual user.

The software is offered as-is without any rights to warranty claims or support.

Service descriptions

Digital Twin Registry — Englishexternallink 20, Germanexternallink 20

Aspect Model Catalog — Englishexternallink 20, Germanexternallink 20